14 inch Chainsaw Hire in Sydney (cordless)

4 Terry Rd, Box Hill NSW 2765, Australia

Chainsaw Hire

New lightweight and efficient all-round 16 inch chainsaw, ideal for those looking for a chainsaw that is exceptionally easy to start. Great for DIY.

4hrs Hire: $60

Day Hire: $75

Weekend Hire: $120

Week Hire: $180

Month Hire: $490

Please contact us for multiple days of hire deals and discounts.

Contact Us to make a booking

Note: Standard pickup and return is between 7am and 8am.

Other pickup/return times are based on availability and need to be discussed by calling or emailing us


Transport Requirement: It will fit in your car.

Machine Length:750 mm

Machine Width:220 mm

Machine Height:240 mm

Machine Weight:4.3 kg

Equipment Only *

75 /day

Min. 1 day(s)

180 /week

Min. 1 week(s)
* Delivery $35 up to 30 km (1 way)

Kolun Hire

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