18 inch Chainsaw Hire in Sydney (Cordless)

4 Terry Rd, Box Hill NSW 2765, Australia

This chain saw available for hire in Canberra, delivers power beyond belief. If you are thinking of cutting down branches from the trees then, the Ego power chainsaw is perfect for you.

  • It is made for taking down large branches, stumps, and tall trees.
  • It has a handy adjustable switch for maintaining the tension of the chain.
  • It is also integrated with bright LED lights which illuminate your cut when doing a job.

4hrs Hire – $80

Day Hire – $95

Weekend Hire – $160

Week Hire – $249

Month Hire – $799

Please contact us for multiple days of hire deals and discounts.

Note: Standard pickup and return is between 7am and 8am.

Other pickup/return times are based on availability and need to be discussed by calling or emailing us


Transport Requirement: It will fit in your car.

Machine Length:940 mm

Machine Width:280 mm

Machine Height:270 mm

Machine Weight:4.4 kg

Equipment Only *

95 /day

Min. 1 day(s)

249 /week

Min. 1 week(s)
* Delivery $35 up to 30 km (1 way)

Kolun Hire

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